The photo Reflection of Autumn, by Tom Cadwalader, placed third.

Monte Hudson took second place with her photo A Day at Canoa.

Shari Rogers won first place with her photo Reflection 1.
The Photo Club of Quail Creek continued with its monthly members’ contest, with June having the topic of “Reflections.” Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last three years. This subject was a popular one for the members and drew 28 entries. All of the photos can be seen on our Flickr site tinyurl.com/4x73452p.
Shari Rogers won first place with her photo Reflection 1. Shari commented, “While on vacation in Florida, I was enjoying a wonderful airboat ride in the swamp. I was watching this bird and tracking it with my camera, and there was the shot. Unexpected but was ready! So many interesting and wonderful photo opportunities on this trip. Basic global post processing done.” Shari used a Nikon D500 shooting at 155 mm, f/8.0 at 1/800 sec.
Monte Hudson took second place with her photo A Day at Canoa. Monte commented, “I followed the development of the baby killdeer that were born at Canoa Ranch this spring. I happened to get this shot of one of the parents.” Monte used a Canon R6 shooting at 500 mm, f/7.1 at 1/1600 sec.
The photo Reflection of Autumn by Tom Cadwalader placed third. Tom said, “This is an image of a reflection of fall colors on the pond behind the visitors center at the Nature Realm, a frequent destination of mine. The Nature Realm is a park in Akron, Ohio. The RAW image was processed in Lightroom with just the Basics Panel. Because my camera is a 3×4 aspect ratio, a virtual copy was made, and the copy was cropped to a 4×5 aspect ratio for submission in the monthly photo contest.” Tom used an Olympus E-MIX shooting at f/7.1 with a shutter speed of 1/250 sec, ISO 200.
The Photography Club of Quail Creek has a monthly photo contest for its members and schedules numerous photo fieldtrips for members throughout the year. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kino Conference Center, Mesquite Room. Room venue could vary each month. Consult the club’s constantly updated website www.pcqc.org as well as the weekday HOA What’s Happening for additional information.