Left to right: Craig Parsons, Doug Detman, Ralph Scafuri, Bill Drozda, JR Kies, Robert Lewis
Robert Lewis
On Thursday, March 9 three new members of the Green Committee (GC), Doug Detman, Bill Drozda and Robert Lewis, along with the current Chairperson Ralph Scafuri and Vice Chairperson Craig Parsons visited the Golf Maintenance Facility so new committee members could better understand the golf maintenance operations. JR Kies, Course Superintendent, provided the tour.
The new Green Committee members are volunteers that were interviewed by the Green Committee and finalist names submitted to the QCPOA for approval. The new members serve three year terms.
The Charter of the Green Committee is to:
A. Ensure the conditions of the golf course and related facilities.
B. Golf policy and practices such as conduct of play, golf cart use, rules of play, start-time policy and relationships with and among players and golf associations.
C. The impact of the physical and aesthetic intersection between golf course and adjacent common areas on golf course condition/appearance and on players, property owners and visitors.
D. The physical, financial and human resources related to A B and C above.
The Green Committee has one standing sub-committee, the Course Committee. This committee is chair by the GC Vice Chairperson Craig Parsons. Other adhoc committees are instituted as topics arise. Adhoc committee members are volunteers (recently a pace-of-play sub-committee was organized to address slow pace-of-play concerns. Volunteers were homeowners selected from attendees at the February Green Committee Meeting).
One previous adhoc committee was the Range Improvement Sub-committee. Phase II of the committee recommendations will take place this summer with more golf cart parking, improved aesthetics and enhancements to the chipping areas.
Keep in mind that because of the close relationships with all aspects of the golf (and community) operations, the Green Committee has also been tasked to review and comment on other aspects of the golf operations not under their direct oversight. The focus of the GC however remains to ensure the objectives of the Charter are met.
The responsibilities of the GC are to:
A. Maintain communications with Robson Communities Inc. (RCI), the QCPOA, all GC golf Associations, property owners and the Head Golf Professional.
B. Offer advice, recommendations and information to the above groups as appropriate.
C. Identify problems associated with the use and condition of the golf course and opportunities for improvement. Identify and promote solutions.
D. Establish and ensure adherence to standards for maintenance of al golf course areas.
E. Conduct long-range studies associated with identified problems or opportunities when necessary to include providing financial data and supporting information (experience of other clubs, expert opinions, etc.). Studies may be initiated by the GC. The GC will coordinate the need for and objectives of such studies, study parameters priorities and study methods with the QCPOA.
Long range planning and in particular long-range financial planning, is key to the maintenance operations. As examples, lease vs. purchase of new maintenance equipment, bunker restorations, greens replacement and irrigation issues are all on the GC Agenda.