Honor Flights Return to the Air

Carin Kaiser is getting a head start on her letter writing goal of sending a letter to each of the 68 veterans going on the March Honor Flight. (Photo by Elliott Jones)

Carin Kaiser and Peggy McGee

After many cancellations, Honor Flight Southern Arizona (HFSAZ) will resume their flights from Tucson to Washington, D.C., on March 26. Their last flight was in October 2019. Honor Flight takes veterans from the World War II to Vietnam eras to our nation’s capital to see the many monuments that have been built to commemorate their service. These trips are at no cost to the veterans. HFSAZ is an independent hub of the Honor Flight Network. Both are nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations dedicated to providing selected veterans a trip to Washington, D.C. The flights are funded through public support and private donations.

One of the highlights of the trip is Mail Call, when the veterans are given letters of appreciation written by friends, school children, and the general public.

There will be 68 veterans on the March 26 flight. This presents an opportunity for Quail Creek residents to show appreciation to these veterans by writing each one (or at least a few of them) a letter honoring their service and sacrifice. Letters can be typed, copied, or handwritten on notecards, letter paper, or plain bond paper. Please begin letters (or notes) with “Dear Veteran,” “Dear Hero,” or a similar salutation.

Place letters in individual, unsealed envelopes and bundle them with a rubber band or tie. Drop letters at 2719 E. Sawyer Road by Friday, March 4.

We thank you for your participation in this effort to honor our veterans, as The Women of Quail Creek has been doing since at least 2014. Your personal message will tell the veterans that you care.

If you have any questions, contact Carin Kaiser at honorflight@womenqc.com. Additional information about HFSAZ is available at www.honorflightsaz.org.