Holiday for teens at the 162nd Air Wing made happier by QCVGA


Tom Haberer and Charlie Shultheis

Tucson’s 162nd ANG Fighter Wing provides F16 training for the United States and our allies throughout the world. With 72 aircraft, it is the second largest pilot training facility in the US. There are 1,600 enlisted airmen that support the mission. It can be difficult for these airmen to provide for their young and expanding families, especially if they are deployed temporarily to other bases. The Quail Creek Veterans Golf Association supports the efforts of the 162nd Fighter Wing Family Readiness Program by providing funds when needed to help with rent, medical emergencies, etc. During the holiday season, there are many agencies that help with toys, etc. for the small children. Teens are more difficult to buy for and are often forgotten. For the 2017 holiday season, the QCVGA provided twenty $25 gift cards to allow these teens to get a gift of their choice to put under the tree. To help with the charity efforts of the QCVGA or to join, contact Jim Robinson, Membership Chairman at 399-1045 or visit the QCVGA display at the Quail Creek Pro Shop.