Golf open forum – Ready, set, summer!

Skip Fumia

From the Green Committee’s Golf Open Forum on April 13, here is some look ahead information for Quail Creek golf.

May: Course Superintendent J.R. Kies and his crew will begin transitioning from winter rye grass on the fairways and tees to our summer Bermuda grass. As temperatures increase we can also expect to see growth of the existing Bermuda on our greens. Also in May we’ll begin our summer maintenance schedule of closing one of our nines each Monday for unencumbered maintenance.

July: Sometime during this month, J.R. and crew will perform aerification of all our greens with a new approach as recommended by the USGA. This once a year approach will involve a two day process of wide tyne aerification and will involve closing the nine involved for the process. The other 18 holes will remain open for play. Then he’ll move on to the next nine and the next.

August: Dethatching and shortening the rough will be part of August’s work for our maintenance crew.

September: Our overseed process (replacing our summer Bermuda with winter rye on fairways and tees) will begin on September 8 with reopening scheduled for September 28.

With our winter residents heading elsewhere for the summer and a resulting lower number of golfers on our course, we have an excellent opportunity to provide a little extra TLC maintenance for our golf course during this time. Speaking of TLC, please remember to fill your divots on the course and repair your ball marks on the greens – always, every time, without fail. Thank you!