The Foundation Herd: Gulliver, Spanky, Deuce, and Bella Luna
Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary in Amado is hosting an event in November featuring a ‘70s theme. “Let’s Groove Tonight” will have live music by the famous Dina Preston Band. They have toured 43 countries and worked with the U.S. Department of Defense, AFE, U.S. State Department, and Fortune 500 companies. The audience will experience an exceptional music performance showcasing some of the greatest music from the ‘70s, including disco. Attendees are encouraged to wear some of the fashions of that era, such as bell bottom pants, mini-skirts, tie-dyed shirts, peasant blouses, platform shoes, and knee-high boots. In addition to a three-course meal, there will also be silent and live auctions. The event will take place at the Longhorn Grill and Saloon, 28851 S. Nogales Hwy., Amado, Ariz., on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 4 to 8:30 p.m.
Equine Voices is celebrating its 18th year of equine rescue. Over the years, they have provided a safe place for hundreds of horses, burros, and mules in need of care. Currently, they have 47 horses, four burros, and one blind mule residing at the Sanctuary. The staff is assisted by dozens of volunteers who help with the feeding and care of these equines. The organization’s mission is to rescue equines who have been abandoned, abused, used in the production of the drug Premarin, or whose owners can no longer take care of them. The Equine Voices mascot is a draft horse named Gulliver who is 19 years old. He was rescued at 11 months of age from the Premarin industry, along with three others: Spanky, Deuce, and Bella Luna. This Foundation Herd was the inspiration for the founding of Equine Voices, and they continue to serve as their ambassadors.
Readers are esanctuary. Tours are available by appointment. Their website is www.equinevoices.org.