Peggy McGee
The eleventh annual Empty Bowls event to support the many programs offered by Valley Assistance Services (VAS) will take place on Saturday, February 11 at Valley Presbyterian Church, 2800 S. Camino del Sol in Green Valley. There will be three seatings: 11:00 a.m., noon and 1:00 p.m. Tickets are available for $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Advance tickets can be ordered by calling VAS at 625-5955 or purchased directly from Rose’s Fashions and on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Continental Safeway. Check the Green Valley News for other possible ticket sales locations. Tickets will also be sold in front of the Grill from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. on January 23 and 30 and February 6-—all pasta nights.
The original Empty Bowls event started in 1990 when a high school art teacher in Michigan along with his students conceived of a class project to make ceramic bowls for a fundraising meal. Guests were invited and served a simple meal of soup and bread. They were asked to keep the bowl as a reminder of those who could not have one.
This year in the greater Green Valley area those needing assistance numbers over 7,000. Families and seniors are choosing between rent and health, food or prescriptions. There simply is not enough money to cover everyday expenses.
Thanks to the creativity of local potters from the Quail Creek Potters and Ceramics Clubs and the Green Valley Ceramics Studio, colorful bowls and soup mugs will be given to all who attend. Local restaurants and businesses donate to this popular event where participants can enjoy soup from one of 14 local restaurants and select a handmade bowl to take home as a reminder that someone’s bowl is always empty and they have helped fill some bowls.
Donations of canned items that are brought to this event will be shared with local food banks. There will be raffles for beautifully designed baskets of various gifts and a silent auction of wonderful pieces.
To raise additional funds toward the goal of $27,000, there will be raffles, silent auctions and a 50/50 raffle.
This is a popular event. Participants not only enjoy a delicious soup from a local restaurant, they take a beautiful bowl home. In addition to the two clubs from Quail Creek, other local ceramics clubs and studios contribute bowls so there is always a variety to choose from. It is a fun event for a very worthwhile cause.
VAS also needs volunteers to help with making up raffle baskets during the event or with ticket sales. Call 625-5955 to sign up or with questions.