Sue Champagne, wearing the green CERT shirt, holds supplies as the volunteer nurse administers the COVID vaccine. (Photo by Peggy McGee)

Bill Roskey (left) grimaces as Fire Captain Mark Lytle applies a gunshot wound. (Photo by Peggy McGee)
Peggy McGee
Over the past year, the Greater Green Valley Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) has had its focus on community rather than emergency. They have been locked out of their usual meeting place for 14 months, but that has not kept them from helping out in Green Valley.
During the summer, three members painted the two restrooms in the Valley Assistance Services (VAS) building. Another four members completely reorganized the upstairs storage area. In fall, other members built and installed a shelving system needed when VAS became responsible for the Green Valley area Diaper Bank. CERT also paid for the shelving materials using funds they had received from Green Valley Recreation to support COVID related activities.
February and March saw a large number of CERT volunteers at the Santa Cruz Valley Regional Hospital helping with the distribution of the COVID vaccine. CERT helped with registration, traffic control, and observing those who had been vaccinated to ensure they did not have any adverse reactions before they left the hospital grounds.
When VAS held an outdoor Empty Bowls event in March 2021, it was CERT members, along with the Sheriff’s Auxiliary, who controlled the flow of traffic in the parking lot where the fundraising venue was staged, helping to ensure no one was hurt.
In April, firefighters from the Green Valley Fire Department trained to respond to live shooter incidents. Their training is greatly enhanced if they have actors with simulated bullet wounds needing immediate treatment. Again, CERT was there to assist. Watch out, Hollywood—CERT has some great actors among its members!
Right now, CERT is holding its monthly training meetings via Zoom. Conditions permitting, they will offer a basic training course in the fall. Those interested in learning more about CERT are urged to visit the website at ggvcert.com. You may also call CERT President Don Thompson at 520-495-4525 and ask to be put on the distribution list for upcoming Zoom training meetings, which are held on the last Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.