Mary C. Kollschegg If you enjoyed last year’s spring play, Moon Over Buffalo, by Ken Ludwig, you’ll be happy to know that Davey Jones, PAG VP of Comedy/Drama, has selected another of Ken Ludwig’s plays for PAG’s spring offering. This year’s performers will present Lend Me a Tenor, a fast-paced comedic situation where the “loss…
Category: December 2014
December 2014
Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus and Sons of Orpheus Concert set for December 21

This holiday season Quail Creek is pleased to present the Sons of Orpheus and the Tucson Boys Chorus Christmas Concert; this collaborative Christmas concert is one of the major concert repertoires performed each year by these groups and will offer both sacred and secular songs of the season. Come hear the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus…
December 2014
San Xavier Co-Op hosts Quail Creek Gardeners and friends

Ron and Vicki Sullivan A few miles north of Quail Creek along the Santa Cruz River, San Xavier Co-op Farm operates on 1,700 acres of farm land. Tour guides Bob Sotomayor and Phyllis Valenzuela shared their knowledge and vision of the farm’s mission. Several Quail Creek members of the Allen J. Ogden community garden in…
December 2014
Blood drive notice
The need is constant; the gratification is instant. Give blood! Join us for the Quail Creek Blood Drive on Sunday, December 28 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Silver Room. To schedule your appointment call 520-230-7295 or log on to and enter sponsor code “Quail.”
December 2014
TRIPS outing to UA Art Museum and Center for Creative Photography

The TRIPS committee sponsored a day filled with art on Tuesday, November 17. The day included an introduction to the varied collections of the UA Art Museum by the Assistant Curator. There were paintings from the permanent collection, the sculpture exhibit of Jacques Lipchitz and an exciting hanging of Japanese art, which has been a…
December 2014
Thanks to our library volunteers

Dreama Fumia, on behalf of the POA Board Due to the tireless efforts of QC Library volunteers, our residents enjoy the benefits of a convenient reading/listening/lending venue as nearby as the Madera Clubhouse. What began in 2002 as a couple of shelves of books in the old Fitness Center has grown to a rich resource…
December 2014
The Gatekeepers perform at November TWOQC meeting

Janice Pell TWOQC enjoyed a fabulous evening of entertainment at their November monthly meeting. The Gatekeepers of The Ironwood Hills Church’s performance of patriotic and holiday music was inspirational and very moving. The nine men and women, led by Hannah Winchester, are all related and blessed with exceptional musical talent. Many members of the Gatekeepers…
December 2014
Quail Creek Country Club POA budget for October 2014
December 2014
Photographers Stop, Snap and Shop at the Celtic Festival

Robert Thoresen PCQC members took on the Tucson Celtic Festival on October 1. The gathering is a celebration of Celtic culture, traditions, piping, drumming and all other things conceived to be Celtic. Clans set up their own tents to illustrate and preserve their history. Village Shoppes sell Celtic merchandise. Dining and relaxation can be provided…
Front Page, December 2014
Fine Arts Painting Club off to a great start

Lee Asbell With the opening of the new Creative Arts and Technology Center just around the corner, Quail Creek now has a chartered club for those interested in all forms of two-dimensional fine arts. The club’s first membership event was held October 29 and now has over 30 members. While the artists wait for their…