Ross Dunfee At the outset of the 19th century, Great Britain was locked in a long and bitter conflict with Napoleon Bonaparte’s France. Both France and Great Britain attempted to block the United States from trading with the other, and restrict the USA from westward expansion. Beginning in 1812, Napoleon began to encounter the first…
Category: Features
Features, August 2022
Thank You, Quail Creek Residents and Friends

Connie Vaughan Caring Hearts and Hands of Quail Creek (CHHQC) want to share this picture from the Military Baby Shower held on May 21 for the 162nd Wing of the Air National Guard in Tucson. With your generous contributions of both in-kind and monetary donations, CHHQC provided a memorable celebration. We are happy to report that all…
Features, August 2022
Preparing Tin Foil Dinners with Essential Oils
JoAnne Gaudioso Preparing a tin foil dinner is simple, delicious, and fun—whether you are venturing out in the great outdoors or staying home and using your barbecue or your oven. Here are a few tips and recipes for making tasty tin foil dinners your family will love. Useful Tips * Use heavy duty tin foil…
Features, August 2022
Word of the Month: Sniglet
David Zapatka Thirteen months ago, we went off the beaten path of dictionary words when reader Debbie M. wrote, “Hello, I enjoy your column and want to offer a suggestion. ‘Orbisculate’ is a word not yet in the dictionary. I think we should help the young people who are trying to get this word into…
Features, August 2022
Where in the World Is the ‘Crossing’?
Features, August 2022
A Big Thank You to Quail Creek from MOAA

Peggy McGee The Green Valley Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) extends its sincere thank you to the residents who so generously supported the annual Food for the Troops collection over the 4th of July weekend. When the almost 300 pounds of food was presented to Michaelena “Mikie” Hoeye, Airman and Family Readiness Program…