Category: Generals

Is There a Song That Takes You Back?

Cyndy Gierada Mark your calendars for the Quail Creek Performing Arts Guild (PAG) Mixed Chorus Spring Concert on Saturday, April 6. Music has a mysterious power to reawaken long-buried memories in our brains. The chorus will be presenting music with the theme of “Love.” What sweeter, more gentle memories are there? Songs like “Love Me…

New Year’s Eve at Quail Creek

Tom Dean Quail Creek celebrated bringing in the new year 2024 with the band Trouble Brewin’. Everyone had a great time until we were told that we would be celebrating at 9:43 p.m. Nothing else needs to be said. Everybody celebrated and had a great time.

Fine Art Show and Sale March 8–10

Get ready for a weekend filled with artistic enchantment! From March 8 through March 10 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Quail Creek artists will showcase their talent and sell their art as part of the Open Studio Tour (sponsored by the Tubac Center of the Arts). Fifteen artists come together at six different homes…

Tax Time Again

Peggy McGee AARP will once again be offering free tax preparation for both federal and Arizona returns at La Posada on Wednesdays and Fridays, by appointment only, through April 12. The tax team has undergone mentally strenuous training and passed the IRS certification tests to be ready for the tax season. Unfortunately, there are some…

General Manager’s Report

Melani Caron Attending board meetings is a great way for everyone to stay in the know and a means to keep rumors at bay. The Quail Creek Board of Directors meetings are held quarterly, with the first meeting of the year being held on Monday, Feb. 19, at 10 a.m. The Association’s business is conducted…