Come discover Quail Creek for yourself! Take a tour, relax by the pool, play tennis, meet the residents, and then receive a $30 restaurant voucher — the day is yours to do as you please, just like every day at Quail Creek. Visit for more information. The Ocotillo, part of the Villa Series, offers…
Category: Generals
Generals, February 2019
Preserving ancient culture

Ron and Vicki Sullivan Mark your calendars for March 1, 2 and 3. Quail Creek will host its fourth annual spring Mata Ortiz pottery, Zapotec weaving, and Taxco jewelry show at the Kino Conference Center. Internationally recognized for their pottery, Jerardo Tena and Norma Hernandez represent a group of Mata Ortiz potters who have revived…
Generals, February 2019
Seeking applicants for “Women in Transition” scholarships
JoAnn Haberer Do you know a southern Arizona woman, 21 years or older, who could benefit from financial assistance to go back to school to get a two-year degree, learn a vocation or receive technical training? The Women of Quail Creek Scholarship Committee has applications available for “Women in Transition” and the time to apply…
Generals, February 2019
CERT training schedule for the month of March

Peggy McGee Quail Creek residents Kathe Alves, Bob Granger, John McGee and Ray Trombino will be among the instructors for the upcoming Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Training course. This free course will prepare the graduates to help their families and neighbors in time of a natural or man-made disaster. A train derailment could…
Generals, February 2019
Four Weddings and an Elvis

Nancy Frick The spirit of Elvis is alive and well at Sandy’s Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas. This hilarious and heart-warming play is presented by the Quail Creek Performing Arts Guild, produced by Davey Jones and directed by Jay Hochstein. Performances will be in the Crystal Ballroom, in the Madera Clubhouse, on April 11, 12,…
Generals, February 2019
2018-19 Kino Lecture Series grand finale

The continuing successful Kino Lecture Series will close March 4 at 7:00 p.m. with a fascinating lecture by career and self-taught photographer Brian Vikander. Mr. Vikander will explain and demonstrate the standard of excellence demanded of photographers whose work appears in prestigious publications such as National Geographic, The Smithsonian, Time, The London Times, Wall Street…
Generals, February 2019
Permanent cosmetic artist for Quail Creek residents

Tanya Willey, who is a Quail Creek resident, is currently doing permanent cosmetics for residents only. Originally from the West Coast, Tanya relocated to Annapolis, MD and began working as a permanent makeup artist. As the founder of HARLOW Lasting Beauty, Tanya began her career in permanent cosmetics in 2004. After many years of practicing…
Generals, February 2019
Special small group tour of England
Join Quail Creek resident and England lover, Jean Tittle, on her 17th visit to the fabulous homes and gardens of England’s literary giants: Darwin, Churchill, Kipling, Wolfe, Austen, Bronte, Wordsworth, Ruskin and Potter to name a few. Plus spend three days in London as well as a festival day at Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey). This…
Generals, February 2019
Cupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow go!

February 14 is the day of cupids, arrows, chocolates, hearts and love! Get up, sunshine, and go hunting for your “just desserts” because, if you’re lucky, you could be enjoying a free strawberry ice cream sundae with the purchase of any beverage, compliments of Chef Aris and staff. How do you get this free strawberry…
Generals, February 2019
Quail Creek Crossing editorial deadlines – mark your calendars
Thank you to all of our readers and contributors, you make the Crossing possible. Please mark your calendars with the future editorial submission deadline dates. Remember, all editorial are due by 4:00 p.m. March issue deadline: February 26 April issue deadline: March 26 May issue deadline: April 26 June issue deadline: May 24 July issue…