Debbie Scott This event took place on December 17, 2020. Flight 1 First Place: Michele Gazica, Roz Harrison, Chris Laxague, Linda Ulery Second Place: Pam Campbell, Jacquie Owens, Kathy Stotz, Pat Tillipaugh Flight 2 First Place: Sandi Hrovatin, Betty Martens, Susan McCune Second Place: Cheryl Collyer, Ilene Olson, Linda Price, Kathy Thompson Flight 3 First…
Category: January 2021
Sports, January 2021
QCMGA Team Championship
Paul Schupmann This event took place on December 1, 3, and 8. Flight 1 1. James Cooley and Larry Mours, 202 2. Gordon Bobillot and Clark Wilson, 212 Flight 2 1. Larry Taylor and Tracey Austell, 206 T2. Shel Zatkin and Greg Royer, 210 T2. Tim Toon and Tim Olson, 210 Flight 3 1. Randall…
Front Page, January 2021
Keeping Busy in Times of COVID

Yasmin John-Thorpe These are strange times! In fact, for many, 2020 will go in the books as a year when normalcy and sanity went out the door. However, maybe not so for writers and poets. The isolation is just what the muse ordered for many creative minds. Paul Riggins, president of the QC Writers and…
Sports, January 2021
Overall Gross Champions
Generals, January 2021
Relay for Life Fundraising Team to Participate in National Contest
Ginny Hutcheson The Quail Creek Fights Back Relay for Life team is listed in the top 100 fundraising teams out of thousands of Relay for Life teams in the nation. This has given the Quail Creek team an opportunity to participate in a national fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The fundraiser is raising dollars…
Clubs & Classes, January 2021
TWOQC Scholarship Committee Sends Thanks
Peggy McGee The members of The Women of Quail Creek’s (TWOQC) Scholarship Committee extend their sincere appreciation to the Quail Creek residents who have supported them by purchasing their remaining inventory of pint glasses, thermal totes, and flashlights since their fundraising activities were shut down by COVID-19. Over the past five years, the Scholarship Committee has…
Features, January 2021
Quail Creek Holiday Parade Highlights

Anita Fisk An incredible turnout of golf carts, bicycles, motorcycles, antique cars, and trucks participated in the annual Quail Creek Holiday Parade held on Dec. 6. Decorated with strings of twinkling Christmas lights, silver bells, and colorful ornaments, the parade, led by the local Green Valley Fire Department, slowly traversed the community to the enjoyment…
Front Page, January 2021
Desert Duffers Provide Needed Holiday Cheer!

Steve Shapiro We are pleased to announce that due to generous donations by the membership of the Quail Creek Desert Duffers (The Duffers), we were able to present checks to both the Green Valley Food Bank and Sahuarita Food Bank for $770 each, totaling $1,540. These donations were collected from the QC Desert Duffers during…
Generals, January 2021
2021 Concert Season

Nancy Planck, Member Services Please watch the What’s Happening announcements for any updates on which concerts we have available for the 2021 season. We are currently developing a new concert structure for 2021 that will adhere to COVID-19 guidelines for the health and safety of the residents and staff. We are also reviewing the current schedule…
Clubs & Classes, January 2021
RV Club Update
Mary Jensen In November, the Quail Creek RV Club spent four beautiful days at Catalina State Park, just an hour north of Green Valley. It’s an easy drive to the park in Oro Valley, and you’d never know it’s so close to town. While we were there, we enjoyed an evening at the Gaslight Theatre, in the…