British Authors, Artists, and Architects

Bateman’s, former home of Rudyard Kipling

Led by QC resident Jean Tittle, this small group (8 minimum, 12 maximum) private tour features on-site guided explorations of the homes and gardens of J. Austen, A. Boleyn, W. Churchill, S.T. Coleridge, A. Christie, C. Darwin, C. Dickens, A.C. Doyle, T. Hardy, T.E. Lawrence, R. Kipling, Wm. Morris, and V. Woolf, as well as the homes of a dozen artists and architects. The tour includes four-star hotels with porterage breakfast and three-course dinner daily, a private motorcoach, all entry fees, and a National Trust pass for each participant.

Jean, a confirmed Anglophile, attended university in England and has custom designed numerous group tours in her 20 visits to the UK. She has found amazing homes of artists and authors with beautiful landscaped gardens, which will be in full bloom in early September.

This tour will not disappoint!

If you are interested in more information, please contact her at [email protected].