Be Featured in the ‘Quail Creek Crossing’!

Did you celebrate a milestone birthday or anniversary?

Is your club or sports group having a meeting or playing in a tournament?

Did you meet with a group of Quail Creek friends?

Do you want to find people with common interests to start a club or group?

If any of these questions got a yes, write an article about it for the Quail Creek Crossing! Announce the event before it happens and then tell us about it afterwards! Don’t feel like you’re a writer? A picture says a thousand words. Write a blurb or a short description and send us a photo and a picture caption!

It is the responsibility of the writer to ensure that all names, titles, phone numbers, dates of events, etc., are correct. All articles must be accompanied by a byline (author’s name) and have a 500-word limit.

Please submit photos as separate jpg attachments in their highest resolution option. Include your name and phone number with every submission in case of questions. Phone numbers will not be printed unless it’s officially part of the article.

The editorial deadline is the 26th of the month prior to publication by noon. If the 26th falls on a weekend, the editorial deadline is by noon the Friday before.

Email your submission(s) to [email protected]. Please contact Lynbeth at 480-895-4216 or at [email protected] if you have questions or concerns submitting your article.

We also have an online article submission form available at

We look forward to hearing from you!