The Republican Club June meeting audience and guest speakers (left to right) Kevin Thompson and Nick Myers
Rich Ulery
“What About that Traffic Light at the Entrance to Quail Creek?”
Quail Creek Republicans got a world-class education on a state entity that is critically important to all Arizonans but that few understand. Nick Myers and Kevin Thompson, both elected to the Arizona Corporation Commission last November, made the trek from Phoenix to be the featured speakers at the June meeting of the Quail Creek Republican Club.
The Arizona Corporation Commission’s (ACC) mission is to ensure safe, reliable, and affordable utility services; have railroad and pipeline systems that are operated and maintained in a safe manner; grow Arizona’s economy as we help local entrepreneurs achieve their dream of starting a business; modernize an efficient, effective, and responsive government agency; and protect Arizona citizens by enforcing an ethical securities marketplace. Article 15 of the Arizona Constitution establishes the Arizona Corporation Commission. Only seven states have constitutionally formed commissions. Arizona is one of only 13 states with elected commissioners. In most states, the commission is known as the Public Service Commission or the Public Utility Commission. The Arizona Corporation Commission, however, has responsibilities that go beyond traditional public utilities regulation. These additional roles include facilitating the incorporation of businesses and organizations, securities regulation, and railroad/pipeline safety.
Of specific interest to Quail Creek residents is the Commission’s responsibility in regulating railroad safety issues and specifically its role in the bureaucratic holdup on the traffic controls at the entrance to Quail Creek. The commissioners linked an audio feed to Chris Watson in the Railroad Safety Division of the ACC to answer questions about the process. Many audience members expressed concerns about the unsafe conditions at the intersection and stressed the importance of expediting resolution of the issue with the Union Pacific Railroad and the town. The next step is a hearing in early August between the Corporation Commission and the Town of Sahuarita. Nick and Kevin also addressed questions about the regulation of gas and electric rates and the potential of micronuclear power sources.
Bringing Arizona Corporation Commission representatives to Quail Creek is another example of the Quail Creek Republican Club’s mission to be the most educational and fun club in Quail Creek. On Friday, July 28, our club will enjoy the QCRC Lee Cornelison Kegger. For reservations, membership forms, and other information, please visit our website www.quailcreekrepublicans.com.