Anza Athletic Club Class Descriptions

Body Blast T,TH 10 a.m. Lorraine Beaver. Work all muscle groups using high-volume reps and low resistance with dumbbell weights—a great workout geared to improving muscle tone and definition and cardiovascular fitness. Class limit 24

Body Blast Stretch M,W 3 p.m. Lorraine Beaver. We have added some boxing moves to transform and challenge your muscles with stretch, flex, abs, balance. See an improvement in your golf, pickleball, tennis, and softball abilities. Bring a yoga mat and water. Class limit 24

Classic Fitness T,TH 11 a.m. Lois Bossert. Low-impact aerobics set to music with 20 minutes of muscle toning using hand weights and/or stretch resistance bands, followed by stretch and relaxation. Chairs can be used if desired. Class limit 24

Fit & Strong T,TH 8 a.m. Marianela Palazuelos. This class is ideal for beginners and those who are just beginning to think about getting in shape. Increase strength, agility, balance, coordination, and range of motion. We use hand weights, resistance bands, and balls. Chairs can be used to assist with balance. Class limit 24

Gentle Yoga SA 9:15 a.m. Gail Johnson. Experience a slower paced Hatha Yoga practice, which is not intense or strenuous on the body and is appropriate for men and women. The session is followed by a guided deep relaxation. Class limit 24

Gentle Yoga Stretch F,SA 8 a.m. Mark Mandel. Experience a slower paced, disciplined, and comfortable effort of yoga and stretching. This yoga session is 55 minutes and is appropriate for both men and women. Class limit 24

Hatha Yoga M,W 8 a.m. Todd Combs. Hatha Yoga is a simpler yoga practice with more static postures to unite and balance the body and mind. Our focus will be core, balance, and stretching to leave you invigorated. Class limit 24

HIIT Fit T,TH 7 a.m. Laura McMurtry. High-Intensity Interval Training: 35- to 45-minute class focusing on a full range of activities that will tone and provide a great cardio workout. Class limit 18

Karate M 4:15 p.m., T 4:15 p.m., TH 5:15 p.m., F 2:15 p.m. Stan Herum. Gain physical, psychological, and emotional benefits, including breathing, power, stretching, and self-defense in progressive classes. Class is taught by Black Belt Sensei Stan Herum. Thursday sessions are for advanced students only. Class limit 24

Mat Pilates Fit M,W 10 a.m., F 7 a.m. Carla Espinosa. Pilates is a strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on the core muscles while training your arms and legs. The exercises are a mind and body workout that will improve your stability. Bands, exercise balls, sliders, and small weights may be used to level-up your Pilates experience. Class limit 24

Senior Strength & Balance T,TH 3 p.m. Todd Combs. Target audience is adults 60+ concerned about falling or those who may have fallen in the past and have restricted their activities due to concerns about falling. Improve strength, coordination, and balance. Class limit 24

SilverSneakers T,TH noon. Lois Bossert. A variety of exercises, using hand weights and resistance bands, designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living skills. A chair is used for seated and/or standing support. Class limit 24

Total Body Workout M,W 9 a.m. Lois Bossert. A total body workout for all set to invigorating music. This class uses hand weights and resistance bands, along with low-impact aerobic movements for full-body toning. Bring a yoga mat and water! Class limit 24

Vinyasa Yoga M 11:15 a.m. Marianela Palazuelos. Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a more fast-paced yoga that focuses on linking poses together in a fluid, smooth way. Settle into therapeutic poses that encourage meditative movement and breathing techniques to release tension and quiet the mind. All levels welcome! Bring a mat and water. Class limit 24

Yoga for All TH 4 p.m. Todd Combs. This session begins with Hatha Yoga, a simpler practice with static postures to focus on the core, balance, and stretch. The session transcends into Yin Yoga, which includes passive poses held longer to encourage a deeper relaxation and stretching of the connective tissues. A perfect way to end a busy week. Class limit 24

Zumba T,F 9 a.m. Mae Weravetz. Zumba is a fun, interval dance workout to high-energy Latin and contemporary rhythms to tone, enhance, and increase muscle endurance. Get your heart rate up and boost cardio endurance to easy-to-follow dance moves. All fitness levels welcome. Class limit 24