Connie Bandstra and Jeff Krueger, POA Elected Board Representatives
Nothing says fun like a bunch of cute elves peeking out from a poinsettia plant or blending into a fire hydrant! For two weeks in December, 20 tiny elves were strategically placed around Quail Creek just waiting to be discovered. And, did they ever get attention! The following residents won $20 Grill Gift Certificates:
Leslie Hansen, Mary Smith, Doug Adams, Chuck Noli, Steve Bratlie, Karen Jollie, Linda Freese, Anne Jones, Bonnie Arnold, Diana Paul, Cheri Sipe, Fern Blizzard, Angelika Adkins, Sue Schorfhaar, Robert Litle, Janet Wegner, Kandi Roy, Roz Harrison, Susan Meeks and Nancy Planck.
Thanks for joining in the fun Quail Creek and the little elves look forward to being back next year!