QC Library Rolls Out New Bookmark at Its Annual Meeting

Alphie Smith

The annual meeting of the Quail Creek Library at Madera Clubhouse was held on Feb. 22 at 1 p.m. in the Kino Center. There were 26 attendees, including the Library Management Team, volunteers, and Quail Creek’s new POA board member Ralph Scafuri.

Co-chairs Alphie Smith and Carolyn Good gave general remarks regarding the library in 2023, new visions for 2024, revisions of shelving guidelines, and a reminder to volunteers that they are “ambassadors” for the library.

One new volunteer joined the 40 volunteers who already keep the library running smoothly and efficiently. Our entire QC community appreciates the work they do.

The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the new “Library at Madera Clubhouse” bookmark. Dianne Thomson was recognized with an appreciative “thank you” for her efforts in designing the creative bookmark and getting it printed for the best price, supporting a local printer in Tucson. The bookmarks are now available for residents in the library. They are found in a small basket on a fiction bookshelf.