Karen Bartlett
While it might feel too cold to be thinking about weeds, now is the perfect time to get a head start on preventing them. Applying a preemergent herbicide can help stop those pesky weeds from sprouting once the weather warms up. It’s one of those things where a little prep now can save a lot of hassle later and keeps the dreaded weed letter at bay. Beware the weeds may be popping up if we get the much-needed winter rain.
While most foliage is dormant or growing slowly, now is the ideal time to address any landscaping issues. If you are a homeowner whose back or side yard abuts to one of the several common area walls, this message is for you. Examples are owners who live against Quail Crossing, Quail View Loop, Quail Range Loop, Robson Ranch, Windwood, Wigeon, and any other POA common area roads.
The ALC asks that you take a moment to inspect your back or side yard to remove vegetation such as bushes, vines, or tree branches that are touching, leaning on, or overhanging these walls. If so, we kindly ask that you trim or remove them.
Starting on Feb. 10, the ALC will be inspecting the common area walls to ensure that landscape maintenance from your property has been addressed. Anyone who is not in compliance will be sent a courtesy notice.
The ALC office is located by the dog park in the Administration building at 904 N. Quail View Loop. Stop in anytime Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., call us at 520-393-5803, or email [email protected]. Both Sunny Di Lando and I are always happy to answer your questions or concerns.