Second Place

Third Place

First Place
The Photo Club of Quail Creek continued with its monthly members’ contest with October having a theme of Roads and Roadways. Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last three years. This subject proved to be popular and drew 21 entries showing roadways all around the world. In fact, the first, second and third place photos were all from outside the U.S. All of the photos can be seen on our Flickr site: https://www.flickr.com/photos/129343350@N08/albums/72157697643032740.
Denny Huber won first place with his photo Road in Passau Germany. Denny commented, “My wife and I were on a river cruise on the Danube and stopped in Passau, Germany. These old cities can be confusing in their layout but in Passau, they conveniently color the streets so the tourists can find their way back to their boats! I liked the scene because of the bright colors on the drab cobblestones and the way the street receded into the distance.” Denny shot this with a Canon Rebel T6s, focal length of 18 mm, 1/160 sec at f/4.0, ISO 100.
Jim Burkstrand took second place with his photo A Winding Irish Road. Jim commented, “I was traveling with my wife in Ireland last year, celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. We drove to Healy Pass, where County Kerry and County Cork meet. This road continues winding down through the hills of County Cork eventually reaching the Atlantic Ocean. As we took in the beautiful sight, a van dropped off a group of hikers who proceeded to hike downhill cross country.” The camera was a Canon 80D with a Tamron 16-300 lens. The photo was at a focal length of 16 mm, f/7.1, 1/320th sec, ISO 100.
The photo Santiago de Cuba by Lois Haglund placed third. Lois wrote, “I took the photo as I was strolling through the streets of Santiago de Cuba almost two years ago. I was struck by all the wires crossing the street every which way and, of course, by the old American cars. Time seems to have stopped in Cuba many years ago. This street scene is pretty typical of Cuban cities.” Lois used a Canon 70D with a 18-270 lens to capture this. The photo was shot at 1/400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 6400, focal length of 119 mm.
The Photography Club of Quail Creek has a monthly photo contest for its members and also schedules numerous photo field trips for members throughout the year. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Kino Conference Center, Mesquite Room. Room venue could vary each month. Consult the club’s constantly updated website http://www.pcqc.org as well as the weekday HOA What’s Happening for additional information.