Quail Creek flight three winners Gail Philips, Chris England and Bonnie Anderson

Quail Creek flight one winners Bonny Wilcox, Justine Lewis and Kathy Brennan

Quail Creek flight two winners Carol Hocking, Pat Tillapaugh; not pictured first place winner Amy Carmien

Quail Creek Ladies’ Golf Association 18-Hole Club Champion Kathy Brennan with Joel Jaress
Terri Erickson
Congratulations go out to Kathy Brennan, winner of the QCLGA 18 Hole Club Championship!
The tournament was a three day, low gross competition that ran on Thursday, Tuesday, Thursday in November! The tournament was also flighted with winners of first, second and third place in each of the four flights honored at the finale lunch on November 17. Joel Jaress was on hand to score the tournament and announce the winners. He also presented the winner with the brand new trophy which will be on display in the Pro Shop.