How can we help you?

Skip and Dreama Fumia

“How can we help you?” This is typically a question you’ll hear from our pro shop staff as they assist you with a variety of services, from tee time arrangements to merchandise selection to course condition advisories. For this article we decided to turn the tables and ask the question, “How can we (as QC golfers) help you (the pro shop staff) to serve us even better? Thanks to Joel Jaress and his staff for the input we received.

• Use our Chelsea automated tee time system to add/change bookings (up to the day of play). Our members widely use the Chelsea request function, but have become alarmingly reliant on the pro shop staff to manage their bookings. Using Chelsea, members may add a booking, add, edit or delete players, delete a booking, plus other options. If you’re reluctant to journey into bookings, the pro shop has a handy instruction sheet to help. Staff members will also walk you through the process.

• Show up for your assigned tee time at least 15 minutes early and be ready. The staff attempts to call tee times three minutes in advance to have players on the tee box at their assigned times. This is step one in achieving a favorable pace of play. Also, please do not proceed to the tee box before you are called – this can result in confusion when other players see extra carts and players around the tee box.

• If you have business with the pro shop staff that will take a little time, please avoid high traffic times. These would include check-in times for association play.

• If substituting for a player who is still on the day-of-play tee sheet, please advise the counter staff of the change to avoid Chelsea end-of-day points, possible no-show penalty points and confusion.

• Advise your guests of appropriate dress code for the course and practice tee area. This will avoid an awkward experience for your guest.

• Consult the monthly golf calendar that reflects course rotations, association days, twilight times, tournaments, closed courses, etc. The calendars are prepared for the benefit of the membership for use in initiating requests and booking tee times. This will help you avoid finding yourself in an overflow status (meaning no tee time) after attempting to obtain a tee time during tournament play, association play, or times that do not exist for 9-hole play or 18-hole play. Calendars are available at the pro shop and on our HOA website.

• If you will be riding with someone else, move your golf cart to the parking area near the Grill. Avoid leaving your cart in the pro shop parking area.

• Understand that it is the job of Golf Maintenance to declare frost delays and/or cart-path only restrictions; the pro shop merely conveys the message.

• Use the Suggestion Cards available in the Pro Shop to voice your opinions, either positive or negative.

Please do your part to help the pro shop staff help all of us. Of course, the goal is a better overall golf experience for every QC golfer and “Yes, you can help!”