Category: Generals

Editorial deadline changes this holiday season

  Alejandra Wilcox The holidays are almost upon us! Since Christmas is so close to the editorial deadline, we are moving it up. Please have all editorials submitted by 4:00 p.m. on December 21 (for the January issue). Be sure to mark your calendars now! If you have any questions about submission guidelines, please call…

Wild West Series III: The Lincoln County War

  Wild West, Series III – The Lincoln County War will be presented at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 26, 2018, at Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. Ticket price is $7. The ballroom at the Madera Clubhouse will host another in the popular series presented by Scott Dyke, historian, western writer and lecturer. The Lincoln County…

Arizona Jaguars: A Future in Limbo

  Jean Tittle Hunted and poisoned to near extinction throughout the 20th century, Arizona jaguars have declined dramatically to only four verified sightings in the past 20 years. Listed as an endangered species in 1997, jaguars and their future in our state remain at high risk. What can be done to protect them and increase…