Youth4Douglas participates in the Douglas Care Fair celebrating back-to-school (Photo by Jennifer Pedroza)
Deb Melton
Youth4Douglas is an organization of young Democrats in Douglas, Ariz., who are inspiring both young people and their parents and grandparents with their action and enthusiasm. Jennifer Pedroza, founder and leader of the group, spoke at the Women in Blue luncheon held at Dominick’s American Grill on Sept. 28.
Jennifer told the group of Democratic women that she decided to form the group, along with Kathleen Martin, because they recognized a need for youth involvement in the democratic process. “Our mission is to allow young people, mostly teenagers, to express and advocate their needs and develop their skills and talents to get things done.” The group has been involved in raising awareness about issues in Cochise County that affect young people; things like climate change and voting rights. Recently, on their Facebook page, they encouraged people to vote in the County Board of Supervisors election and explained why this election was so important, thereby raising awareness of both young people and their elders about election integrity. The group has also sponsored a Back-to-School Supplies Drive and a 5K Run fundraiser open only to those younger than 18 years old.
The Quail Creek and Green Valley Democratic women in attendance were duly impressed with the group’s activities and enthusiastic leadership on issues important to us all. One person in attendance commented, “It gives me hope to see young people involved in making change happen.”
Cochise County and Douglas are part of the new Legislative District 19 of which Quail Creek is also a part.