Gift baskets galore! (Photo by Lois Haglund)

Fun at the Javelina Hoedown! (Photo by Lois Haglund)
Deb Melton
If you missed the Javelina Hoedown on Oct. 26 at the Madera clubhouse, you missed a great party! About 250 lucky people attended this year and helped TWOQC raise much-needed funds for scholarships that will be awarded in April. They bought cash raffle tickets and gift basket raffle tickets and bid on over 70 silent auction items!
The bar opened and music began at 4:30 p.m. The fun started then! Attendees had time to peruse the silent auction and gift baskets set up in the Copper Room before dinner. At 5:30 p.m. Hoedown attendees enjoyed a Chuckwagon dinner that couldn’t be beat. Participants spent the remainder of the evening bidding on the silent auction items and choosing which of the numerous gift baskets in which to place their raffle tickets. Tough choices had to be made, but the Basket Committee made it a bit easier by listing the contents of each basket on a card in front of the basket.
Hoedown attendees were entertained and danced throughout the evening to tunes spun by DJ Tony G while they waited to hear the names of the winners of the raffles.
There were many very lucky people that night! Two of them took home cash from the cash raffle. Thirty took home one of the many large gift baskets filled to the brim with items donated by local Quail Creek artists and crafters, along with gift certificates and other items donated by various businesses around Green Valley, Sahuarita, and Tubac. The silent auction was outstanding this year, featuring about 70 items—everything from beautiful handmade quilts, wooden bowls, handcrafted jewelry, a $300 gift certificate from Ashley Furniture, a timeshare week, gourmet wines, specialty dinners, and so much more! The Women of Quail Creek would like to thank everyone who attended and so generously supported the raffles and silent auction by buying raffle tickets and bidding to win!
The Women of Quail Creek again would like to thank all those who donated items and worked on the committees to bring the event together. Events like this are made possible because of the generosity of our community and the many women who worked to make it happen. Thank you!
If you were lucky enough to attend, we hope you had fun. And for a few of you who may have missed it this year, there will be another fun-filled fundraiser next year. Watch the What’s Happening and the Quail Creek Crossing next fall for details.