Green Committee Chair Ralph Scafuri and former Finance Committee member Paula Scafuri celebrate Paula’s big win at the November 13 Volunteer Appreciation event.
Dreama Fumia
The QC POA Board’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Event was held in the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom on Friday evening, November 13. A special Bingo night was arranged by the Board to celebrate and recognize committee members and other volunteers who give of their time and efforts for the benefit of our community.
Volunteers and their guests were treated to Bingo (as provided by organizer and Board member Gil Lusk and caller Joe Carlone), hors d’oeuvres and a program of recognition hosted by emcee and Board President Ron Darrah. Board member Marilyn Mazeika noted that the Board couldn’t do its job without the help of talented and energetic committee members.
Each Bingo game was dedicated to a group of volunteers. Over 100 strong they represented the following: Activities Committee; Election Volunteers; Education Committee; Employee Appreciation Event Volunteers; Finance Committee; QC Xtra Volunteers; Clubhouse Window Painter Ron Caldwell; Food & Beverage Committee; Green Committee; Rules Committee; Sports Committee; Unit Reps; Library Volunteers; Event Photographers; Creative Arts & Tech Center Committee; and Bingo Volunteers.
Winners of each game were awarded a gift card for use at the Grill or Pro Shop. The last game of the evening was a “blackout;” players had to cover the full card for a win. As it turned out Friday the 13th was a very lucky day for player Paula Scafuri. As the number B13 was called, Paula shouted out “Bingo” and won the big prize of the night, $200 in gift cards! Congratulations, Paula! As Ralph Scafuri chimed in, “I only needed one more number!”
Gil Lusk and Joe Carlone reminded our volunteers that monthly Bingo in the Madera Ballroom is an increasingly popular event at QC. Typically the third Thursday of the month, the doors open at 5:00 p.m. and games start at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to participate! At our monthly Bingo events the “big prize” can be up to $1,000 in cash! What a nice payoff that would be.
But the truly big winner for this event is the entire POA, you and your neighbors, who are the benefactors of the wonderful work our volunteers do to improve life at Quail Creek. The POA Board thanks each and every one.