Golfers Bob Morgan, Randy Mathis, Randy Davis and Ted Schelenski take top honors at Veterans Day Charity Tournament.
Tom Haberer
The Veterans Day Charity Golf Tournament was held on Saturday, November 7. The tournament activities raised over $4,000, which will all be directed to help local veteran and active-duty military families. Rene Gill, chairperson of the annual event, sends special thanks to all golfers, sponsors and raffle participants that help the organization provide meaningful assistance to our military families in the Tucson/Green Valley area. The winning foursome of Bob Morgan, Randy Davis, Randy Mathis and Ted Schelenski finished with an amazing score of 58. This year’s field of 96 golfers included a diversity of players including veterans, non-veterans and all levels of player skill. All QCVGA tournaments are open to everyone and always lots of fun. Teams are already making plans for 2016, so mark your calendar today for next year’s charity tournament. The next QCVGA event will be the March 2016 “Battle of the Branches” tournament, which will also be held at Quail Creek.