Joan M. Brown
The Quail Creek Unit Representatives Club has elected 2025 officers. We are grateful for the many years of dedicated leadership by Bill Foraker who is taking more time to pursue his love for flying.
Co-Chair: Bobbi Gordon
Co-Chair: Robin Wiessner
Vice Chair: Martha Love
Secretary: Joan Brown
The Mission of the Unit Representative Club of Quail Creek is to provide informal leadership and organization for our respective units to maintain and improve the quality of life in our community. This is done by fostering effective communications with our neighbors and the POA, by facilitating neighborhood activities, and through other activities and tasks that promote a great senior lifestyle.
We would also like to welcome new volunteer reps for January and February:
Unit 6: Dee Stanton, Rep
Unit 14: Laurie Sherman, Rep
Unit 22E: Joan Brown, Rep
Unit 22E: Nancy Valdez, Alternate
Unit 23: Patti Nutting, Rep
Unit 26: Cindy Mayhle, Rep
Unit 30/30A-W: Roni Carrick, Rep
Unit 30/30A-W: Lynn Kern, Alternate
Many units are still in need of either a primary or alternate representative. The position entails welcoming new residents in your unit, becoming involved in social activities, dispersing club information to your unit residents, and delivering the annual Source Book and map. It doesn’t take a lot of time and is actually quite rewarding. Experienced reps are always available with ideas to get you started.
Unit reps attend meetings of the Unit Rep Club held every other month on the third Tuesday of odd-numbered months where we share information of importance to residents.
Reps are needed for Units 4 and 9.
Alternate reps are needed for Units 1N, 1S, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 21A, 26, 30/30A, and 33A.
If you would like to become more active in your neighborhood or have any additional questions, please reach out to Bobbi Gordon at [email protected].
Please join us. We’d love to see you at the March 18 meeting at 3 p.m. in the Silver Room at the Madera clubhouse.