Executive Director of the Tucson Festival of Books, Marcy Euler, shows TWOQC the website map of planned events at the festival.
Janice Pell
Marcy Euler, Executive Director of Tucson Festival of Books, was the featured speaker at The Women of Quail Creek general meeting on February 24. Marcy shared the background of the festival beginnings and its rise to become the fourth largest book fair in the country in just six years, attracting over 120,000 attendees to interact with the hundreds of authors and enjoy all the offered activities of the two day event. As a nonprofit event, the festival raises money from sponsorships and donations with all proceeds used to fund local literary and literacy programs. To date, almost one million dollars has been given to programs benefiting all segments of the population.
This year the festival has redesigned its website to make it much easier for people to explore and navigate through all the activities, lectures, panel discussions and book signings and to find times and locations of events thus enabling them to make and print a plan for going to the fair. Marcy exhibited the user friendly website, tucsonfestivalofbooks.org, and showed TWOQC its various features. Though there will be a map and schedule in local papers prior to the March 15 and 16 dates of the festival, Marcy recommended that using the website is by far the best, easiest and most up to date tool and guide.
In keeping with the book theme of the day, five lucky ladies received books as door prizes.