Thank You, Quail Creek, for Supporting Food for the Troops

Left to right: SSgt Jessica Rojas, COL Peggy McGee, and Green Valley Chapter President 1LT Elliott Jones carried groceries to the Air Force van. (Photo by John McGee)

Peggy McGee

A big shout-out of thanks from the Green Valley Chapter, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), to the Quail Creek community for so generously supporting the annual Food for the Troops program to help the 162nd Fighter Wing, Arizona Air National Guard, in Tucson. As Quail Creek celebrated Independence Day, residents donated about 150 pounds of groceries for the Food Locker used by the junior airmen in need of food as payday approaches. They also contributed $202 in cash.

Residents also enthusiastically supported the 50/50 raffle, which is used to supply the funds for the Turkeys for the Troops program that the Green Valley MOAA Chapter sponsors at Thanksgiving time every year. The total intake for the 50/50 raffle was $362, with $181 going to the winner. Green Valley resident Jim Whitehouse donated his entire 50/50 raffle winnings back to MOAA to support the Food Locker at the Air National Guard.

Quail Creekers also purchased $350 in Jim Click raffle tickets to support MOAA’s program that awards $2,500 scholarships to JROTC cadets each year.

Quail Creek is truly a giving community, and MOAA appreciates everyone who supports their projects.