Tag: Election Committee

Election Committee Seeking Volunteers for Open Positions

Joyce Shumate The Election Committee is seeking two volunteers, each to serve a three-year term. The Election Committee is responsible for implementing and coordinating all facets of the QCPOA elections. The committee meets approximately five times yearly to organize POA elections and conduct Meet the Candidates sessions. Volunteers are preferred to be full-time residents of…

Election Committee Seeking Candidates

Joe and Linda Lohr The election committee of the Quail Creek Property Owners Association (QCPOA) is seeking candidates interested in running in a fall election for a volunteer resident member of Quail Creek board of directors. The newly elected candidate’s two-year term will begin Jan. 1, 2021. To qualify, candidates must be homeowners in good…

Election Committee News

Election Committee The Election Committee is pleased to announce our new member, Paula Thomason. Paula is a full-time resident of Quail Creek and is a welcome addition to the committee. The Election Committee has begun planning for the 2020 Election of a Resident Board Member for the Quail Creek POA Board of Directors. We continue…

Report from Election Committee

As previously announced by the POA Board, our new resident board member is John O’Rourke, and he will start his two-year term in January, 2020. The election result was announced the day after voting was closed. We thank all of the candidates who stepped forward to run for this position. We would like to give…

Introducing candidates for Quail Creek POA Board

The Election Committee It’s time to Vote! The Election Committee is pleased to announce a second candidate for the resident-elected position on the Quail Creek POA Board. Donna Smith has joined Jeff Krueger on the ballot for this position. We had our final Meet the Candidates event on Wednesday, October 10 in the Crystal Ballroom…

2017 POA election notice

Connie Bandstra

The annual election to fill one of the two resident-elected members POA Board will be held next month. The final deadline to submit a Letter of Intent to become a candidate is September 11, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. To allow residents to learn more about the candidates, there will be “Meet the Candidate” events, and…