Left to right: Bob Wendland, Kathy Follett, Carol Hansen, Marci Yenerich, Bonnie Smith and Peter Prairie
Marci Yenerich
The Quail Creek Singles Club ventured to Madera Canyon on Friday, March 28 for a morning hike. Always planning ahead, Peter Prairie suggested we park one car at Proctor Parking Lot and we drove the six participants up to the top parking lot. We then took a leisurely hike down, roughly three miles. We met several other hikers and birders on the way, some walking dogs. Everyone had a glorious day and the weather was perfect. We saw many Mexican blue jays frolicking in the spring beauty. After the hike we figured out the cars, drove back down to Green Valley and a few of us had a yummy Mexican lunch at Los Agaves. Thanks, Peter, for being our fearless leader!