September Is Fall Prevention Month

Daryl Laux

The following is provided courtesy of the Santa Rita Fire District:

We are truly fortunate in the Green Valley area in that we have an organization called Green Valley Assistance Services (VAS) who partner with our Santa Rita Fire Corp volunteers through the SHiM Program (Safety and Health in Motion). A nurse from VAS will screen for any medical conditions that can contribute to falls, and a Fire Corp member will perform an environmental assessment of the home. Visits and assessments are free, and information will be provided to you regarding your fall risk and things you can do to improve your personal safety.

Please visit the VAS website at Select “Click Here to See All of Our Programs.” Under Safety Programs, select SHiM®—A Fall Prevention Program for more specific information on what a home visit involves. Call 520-625-5966 today and schedule your SHiM® visit. We’ll come to you.

Another amazing resource we have in our community is our Residential Lock Box Program. This program is run by Santa Rita Fire Corp volunteers and involves installing a lockbox near your front door that is securely locked and has your home keys in it. The fire department can access the lockbox with a special key that only they have. If you fall and call the fire department, they can enter your home quickly via your keys in the lockbox, which not only gets help to you sooner but saves your door from being destroyed. Lockboxes cost $65 with a $25 installation fee. Call 520-625-9400 for questions and to make an appointment.

Falls do not discriminate. Take precautionary measures and make safety a priority.