YOTO staff accepting donations

Carload of supplies for the YOTO mini-mall
Karen Baker
A new group is in town!
Following their passions and continued desire to help at-risk youth and military families, Sue Ann Obremski and Karen Baker have partnered to form a new club in Quail Creek called the QC Caring Hearts and Hands. The two women have collaborated to continue serving the needs of Youth and Military Families. This new group comprised of caring, compassionate, and patriotic resident men and women, will team up with Operation Homefront and Youth on Their Own (YOTO), both of which are 501(c)(3) organizations. Because of the nonprofit status of these groups, additional avenues will be available for monetary and in-kind donations with possible tax deductions for contributions.
The newly established 33-member club is already very busy helping with the YOTO Back-to-School Challenge by collecting school supplies. They are also refilling the spice drawers with tiny spice packets for the student mini-mall. The mini-mall provides each YOTO student with 10 pounds of items per week as needed. A complete list of needed school supplies can be found at our website, www.QCCaringHeartsHands.com, or by clicking on the QR code, and includes backpacks, marker pens, pens and pencils, hand sanitizer, colored pencils, scientific calculators, binder paper, disinfectant wipes, notebooks, jerky, single subject binders, trail mix, granola bars, and fruit cups.
The YOTO students also use the recycled divided wine bags that we get when purchasing numerous bottles of wine at the grocery store. Our club members take those wine bags and cut out the center dividers so that the students can use these strong bags as their mini-mall grocery bags. These are much stronger and more durable than regular plastic bags.
All supplies can be dropped off between July 20 and Sept. 30 at the following four locations in Quail Creek: 1694 N. Dry Springs Drive, 531 N. Keyes Road, 2080 E. Thunderchief, and 2640 Sawyer.
If shopping for school supplies isn’t your forte, monetary donations will be graciously accepted and appreciated.
The QC Caring Hearts and Hands Club thanks you for supporting our at-risk youth and helping them get back to school with the supplies and assistance they need to succeed!