Quail Creek Republican Club’s 2021 board
Rich Ulery
A real live meeting!
For the first time since Quail Creek meeting rooms were closed due to the pandemic and the Madera Clubhouse remodel, members of the Quail Creek Republican Club (QCRC) gathered in the Madera Ballroom for a Christmas wine and cheese event. Occupancy guidelines restricted attendance to only 50 members, but it was special being able to finally have a meeting in real time, with real people!
Shelley Kais, the QCRC board president for the past two years, highlighted an active 2020: an Arizona State Capitol visit in February, including private meetings with Senate Republican leadership; numerous presentations from both Republican candidates and elected officials relating to border and law enforcement in Southern Arizona; and two exciting events at Tay’s BBQ—a July Republican Club BBQ and a big Oktoberfest celebration this past fall. During the year, active QCRC membership swelled from 125 to 225 members. Shelley presented departing QCRC Board Member John Emery (board member-at-large and long involvement as board officer, including president) with a QCRC challenge coin for his superior contributions to the club.
Rich Ulery, current 1st vice president and incoming 2021 QCRC board president, provided an excellent overview of the positive Republican results of the 2020 General Election in Congress and in state legislatures and governorships across the nation. He also provided some preliminary information about plans for 2021. Rich then presented outgoing president Shelley Kais with a Quail Creek memento with an affixed challenge coin and acknowledged her inspired leadership of our club over the past two years. Shelley will remain a board member as program chairman for 2021.
Other officers elected for 2021 include 1st Vice President Tom Fisk, 2nd Vice President Kathy Kimbrell, Secretary Steve Ware, and Members-at-Large Bill McKinley and Dave Roy. Treasurer and membership chair positions remain open. Any members wishing to step up and help as a board member in these areas are encouraged to contact Rich Ulery.
It was so nice to meet at a Quail Creek location, Madera Clubhouse, which will be our home for 2021 meetings. If you are a Republican, reside in Quail Creek, and want to be part of the most exciting, informative, and fun club in Quail Creek, visit our website at www.quailcreekrepublicans.com. Join as a new member or renew your membership today!