Left to right, back row: Marci Yenerich, Cheryl Collyer and Mary Lynne Fischer; front, Rose Welliver, Sherry Gall and Cheri Sipe
Terri Erickson
The rally committee is gearing up once again to prepare for the annual Rally for the Cure on Thursday, October 23. The event, held in conjunction with the Susan G. Komen Foundation, is meant to raise money for a cure and to raise awareness of breast cancer and breast health. All ladies of Quail Creek are encouraged to attend the luncheon and raffle where survivors of cancer will be honored during the program.
This year’s theme is Rally on the SerengeTee, an African safari theme with a wild animal decor and a luncheon of safari taco bowls. All participants are encouraged to dress in animal prints and safari hats. The Pro Shop has a variety of animal print shirts available.
The day will also include an 18 hole four man team golf tournament and a nine hole fun golf event.
Sign up forms are available from Paula Scafuri, 625-2831, until the Pro Shop opens again on September 22.
Come and join this fun event!