Bookmark workshop
Holly Skelton, Co-Chair
The pandemic gave members of the Quail Creek Scrappers and Stampers Club time to make lots of beautiful cards, which were donated to Green Valley local care facilities. Pima County started the Pima Love Notes Project at the beginning of the pandemic. The Women of Quail Creek volunteered to deliver personal greeting cards while care facilities were closed down to relatives and the public. This project was passed along to The Quail Creek Scrappers and Stampers Club in the fall. We got busy and made cards for eight care facilities located within Green Valley. Delivering approximately 50 to 60 cards to each facility in the fall, each holiday, and this spring, the cards were greatly appreciated by the residents, staff, and caretakers alike. Some of the cards had personal notes handwritten to the recipient, and some were left blank so staffers and caretakers could use as needed, for themselves or for the residents. As a thank you from Pima County, boxes of envelopes and paper were donated to the club. A staff member of La Posada also donated many stamping supplies for the use of the club, which were used and greatly appreciated.
Another project the club partnered with The Women of Quail Creek on was the book drive for the San Xavier Mission School. Scrappers and Stampers got together for a full day in the Creative Center to create two laminated, handmade bookmarks for each student in all grades at the school. Two books, along with the bookmarks, were donated to each student.