The kitchen staff last year was thrilled with the Employee Appreciation Event, especially since they did not need to cook.
The residents of Quail Creek greatly appreciate all the work our employees perform to keep the complex looking first rate and top notch all year long. Some of the functions performed by our employees are quite obvious like cooking and serving our meals at the restaurant, checking our homes while we are away on vacation and maintaining our golf courses while other roles are ones we often take for granted such as scheduling and setting up our meeting rooms and cleaning up after meetings, maintaining the common areas and staffing the Pro Shop and the Fitness Center.
On Monday evening, December 9, the Quail Creek residents will attempt to show our employees, regardless of the functions they performed, how important each and every one of them are by hosting the Employee Appreciation Event. Each employee will receive a Bonus Gift Card with a dollar amount based on the number of hours worked during the past year and will be treated to a catered dinner courtesy of Mr. Robson. The amount on the gift card is dependent on the generous donations of all of the Quail Creek residents. If you have not yet made your donation, it is not too late, just drop your check, payable to QCEAE, in the box at the Concierge desk in the clubhouse or in one of the special boxes at the Grill, Pro Shop or Fitness Center or, if you prefer, you can mail your donation to: QCEAE, 2055 E. Quail Crossing Boulevard, Green Valley, Arizona 85614.
They work hard for us every day of the year; help us let them know how much we appreciate their efforts by your generous contribution which will help to make this one day of the year very special for all of them.