Bruce Ash
Pat Colburn
Quail Creek Republicans filled the Ocotillo and Mesquite Rooms on Nov. 15 to celebrate the incredibly successful election results nationally and in Arizona and to hear from Bruce Ash, an influential Republican known throughout the State of Arizona.
QC Republican Club President Pat Colburn introduced Bruce Ash as the featured speaker. Bruce is the current CEO of the Paul Ash Management Company in Tucson, Ariz. He has relaunched the Inside Track radio program to deliver real news, straight talk, and great guests and callers to KVOI radio listeners in Southern Arizona. Bruce has a long affiliation with the Arizona Republican Party and the Republican National Committee. He served as Arizona’s state national committeeman to the Republican National Committee (RNC) from 2007 to 2020.
Bruce summarized the results of the election, confirming that Republicans have taken the presidency and majority control of both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Our own re-elected member of the House, Juan Ciscomani, was the 218th member, giving the GOP the majority. The Republican Party also expanded its control of both the Arizona House of Representatives and Senate. The Arizona House majority increased from a 31-29 GOP advantage to a 33-27 majority, and the Senate majority increased from a 16-14 GOP advantage to a 17-13 majority. Our two members of the Arizona House, Gail Griffin and Lupe Diaz, won re-election, as did Senator David Gowan. Our QC Republican Club members had a significant role in helping our candidates win!
Bruce also discussed each of the cabinet nominees that President-elect Donald Trump has named thus far to serve in his administration beginning on inauguration day, Jan. 20, 2025.
The Quail Creek Republican Club has an exciting, educational, and fun year planned in 2025. You won’t want to miss a single meeting or event! We expect all three of our legislative members and Congressman Ciscomani to address our club at some time during the year. You can join the club for the first time or renew your membership for 2025 by visiting the club’s website at www.quailcreekrepublicans.com.