Featured speaker Natasha Herzig, owner of Tay’s BBQ Restaurant.

Art Del Cueto, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544
Tom Fisk, 1st Vice President
For the first time since March 2020, the Quail Creek Republican Club (QCRC) has had live regular monthly meetings.
January Meeting Highlights
* Senator David Gowan (Arizona State Representative) discussed the Legislative and Congressional redistricting effort underway in Arizona based on the pending new 2020 Census.
* Featured speaker Natasha Herzig (local Tay’s BBQ Restaurant owner) shared both her personal experiences and the overall scope of the problem with human trafficking, an issue in the U.S. and globally. This is a very real issue which all parents and children should be aware of. An ounce of knowledge may prevent a lifetime of heartache.
February Meeting Highlights
* Shelley Kais (Pima County Republican Party chair) swore-in new Quail Creek Republican Club board of director members Patric Hendershott (treasurer) and Pat Colburn (membership chair).
* Featured speaker, Art Del Cueto (president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544) provided the audience with information about the next potential phases of border migration.
An informative U.S./Mexico border bus tour is being planned for March, with other excellent programs in coming months. If you are a Quail Creek resident and interested in listening to and participating with like-minded folks, QCRC membership is only $20 (single)/$30(family) per year, available at www.quailcreekrepublicans.com or by contacting Pat Colburn at [email protected].