Melani Caron
Quail Creek has several different newsletters that keep you up to date on news, events, and announcements in Quail Creek. You can subscribe to one or all of them, depending on your interests:
• What’s Happening at Quail Creek: Published Monday through Friday with information, announcements, and news about Quail Creek
• Fresh from the Grill: Weekly publication with new menus, events, and specials at the Grill and Lounge
• General Manager Update: Community updates from General Manager Melani Caron
• Reading the Green: Weekly publication which includes updates on the POA golf operations
Each newsletter has links at the bottom that allow you to unsubscribe from all newsletters or update your profile to add or delete a newsletter. Please know that if you unsubscribe from any one of the Quail Creek publications (What’s Happening, Fresh from the Grill, General Manager Update, Reading the Green), you are unsubscribing from all of them. If you are not signed up for these four newsletters and would like to be, please reach out to Member Services at 520-393-5822. If you’d prefer to sign up online, please visit the website and click on “Subscribe to Newsletters” under “quick links.”
What’s Happening at Quail Creek is unique among our newsletters in that it contains paid advertising as well as news and announcements from the QCPOA, clubs, and Quail Creek events. Paid advertising helps to defray the cost of publication.