MC Kollschegg
Does the number 155 ring a bell? That’s the approximate number of men and women at Quail Creek that work for you. Yes, for you! They clean the clubhouse lounge, library, bathrooms and fitness center; they set up for and clean up after meetings; they trim the trees and spray for weeds in the common areas; they tend bar, cook your food, clear the tables and do many more tasks to keep Quail Creek looking spiffy, top notch and first class. They work for you and they work for me, not for Mr. Robson; our HOA dues pay their salaries.
Although we may thank them verbally throughout the year, every once in a while they deserve some special recognition. Once a year we bring them all together and host the Employee Appreciation Event which will be held this year in the clubhouse at 4:00 p.m. on December 9. Although Mr. Robson treats them to their meal, your generous donations allow us to provide each of them a small token of our appreciation. Gift cards are presented to each one with the dollar amount based on the number of hours they worked for you during the year.
Recently each of you received a mailing containing information on the candidates along with your election ballot and a donation form. The donation flyer explains the Employee Appreciation Event and provides details on how you can contribute to show your appreciation for all the hard work our employees do for us during the year. Any amount will be appreciated and will be kept totally confidential. Make checks payable to QCEAE and drop them off at the Concierge Desk in the clubhouse or in one of the special boxes at the Grill, Pro Shop or Fitness Center. If you prefer, you can mail your donation to: QCEAE, 2055 E. Quail Crossing Boulevard, Green Valley, Arizona 85614.
Thank you for helping us thank them!