Flight winners Men’s Club Championship 2017, left to right: Dennis Edwardson Silver Flight 3, Jeff Carmein Gold Flight 1, Bill Hoppe Silver Flight 4, Tim Toon Silver Flight 1, Jim Hart Copper, Bob Ford Club Champion, Jim Cooley Silver Flight 2 Gary Dyer Silver Flight 5. Missing from photo Mike O’Foster Flight 1 and Paul Simpson Super Senior Champion.

Club Champion Bob Ford receiving the trophy from Head Professional Joel Jaress. This was his eighth time winning this event.
Tim Phillips
The Men’s Club Championship was favored with three days of great weather for its premier individual event of the year. Playing in March rather than in the traditional November time frame enabled our snowbirds to participate this year. The courses were in good condition and the greens were very quick. Our field had totaled 68 players.
There were seven different flights in the field – the Gold Flight from which the champion would come, five silver flights and one copper tee flight. All flights were based on gross scores with the Copper Flight the only flight where net scores determined its winners. Leaders at the top of the leaderboard shifted each day in the different flights. Coming from five strokes behind after the first round, Bob Ford held a three shot lead going into the third round in the Championship Golf Flight and emerged as the overall winner for a record setting eighth time at Quail Creek by five strokes with a score of 226.
Although there is no special award for being the Super Senior for golfers aged 75 or over, Paul Simpson won for the second time this year with a score of 244.
Here are the flight winners from all seven flights:
Gold Flight total gross scores: Champion – Bob Ford 226; 1. Michael O’Foster 231; 1. Jeff Carmein 231; 2. Wally Howard 234
Silver First Flight total gross scores: 1. Tim Toon 241; 2. Tom Fischer 243; 3. Paul Simpson 244 Super Senior Winner
Second Silver Flight total gross scores: 1. Jim Cooley 242; 2. Kevin Collins 247; 3. Dick Johnson 250
Third Silver Flight total gross scores: 1. Dennis Edwardson 258; 2. Chuck Stensrud 259; 3. Tom England 261; 3. Allen Mitro 261
Fourth Silver Flight total gross scores: 1. Bill Hoppe 257; 2. Ron Turner 265; 3. James Easley 266; 3. Tim Stoltman 266
Fifth Silver Flight Total Gross Scores:
1. Gary Dyer 275; 2. Tom Dunipace 276; 3. Dick Conine 278
Copper Flight total net scores: 1. Jim Hart 190; 2. Roy Barnes 198; 3. Robert Marshall 205