Terri Erickson
The QCLGA (18 holers) held their annual member guest tournament on April 2 and 3 this year entitled the Southwest Spectacular. And spectacular it was! From the well organized golf tournament to the goody bags, raffle, lunch, southwest decor and gifts, it was an event to remember.
The two day low gross, low net eclectic tournament for each member and her guest had six flights with low net and low gross winners in each flight. The overall winners Low Gross were Mary Campbell-Jones and Nancy Quensenberry. The overall Low Net winners were Ilene Olson and Lisa Ferris.
Rose Welliver won closest to the hole on day one and Renee Hawkins won closest to the hole on day two.
First place winners in each flight include Flight One: LG Sandra Lawrence and Renee Hawkins, LN Bonny Wilcox and Jennifer Loveland. Flight Two: LG Peg Avent and Alberta Teale, LN Judy Murray and Carol Vukovich. Flight Three: LG Debbie Dunipace and Sandy Pond, LN Beth Davis and Jan Hall. Flight Four: LG Rose Welliver and Joyce Parchuta, LN Darthea Tilley and Jane Fournier. Flight Five: LG Sharon Hayes and Marilyn Albert, LN Paula Scafuri and Naarah Turpin. Flight Six: LG Rhonda Kochevar and Betty Lindamood, LN Carmen Smith and Robin Ashe.