Kate Schwartz, Janet Johnson, Debbie Riddell, and Karen Stensrud

Pro Shop staff Harvey Trott and Gary Adkins

Terri Bacon (Event Coordinator) and Judith Olsen
Debbie Scott
Flight One
First Place: Bobbi Jo Rathvon
Second Place: Janet Johnson
Third Place: Bonny Wilcox
Flight Two
First Place: Sherry Morris
Second Place (tie): Roz Harrison, Deb Riddell, Alice Dyke, Theresa Stein
Flight Three
First Place: Betty Martens
Second Place: Stacia Sower
Third Place (tie): Linda Price, Peg Avent, Dena Knox
Flight Four
First Place: Kathy Linn
Second Place: Judith Olsen
Third Place (tie): Susan Landwehr, Lucille Carroll, Cathy Nelms
Flight Five
First Place: Kathy Brogdon
Second Place (tie): Kathy Coleman, Sandi Hrovatin
Flight Six
First Place: Linda Ulery
Second Place: Kris Weinberg
Third Place (tie): Kathy Printz, Linda Klaus
Flight Seven
First Place (tie): Margith Baker, Phyllis O’Brien
Second Place: Holly Crombie