Golf Pro Joel Jaress looks at the gathering of Niners and Putters for the last shared event of the season.
Marilyn Beim
It was a sea of blue as Golf Pro Joel Jaress looked out at the gathering of Niners and Putters for the last shared event of the season. Golfers golfed and Putters putted for a combined team score. What fun!
As another tournament season comes to an end and the QC9 ladies say goodbye to friends and neighbors who leave for the summer, President Cheri Sipe would like to thank all those who made this annual event so enjoyable.
She says: “On behalf of the QC9LGA, I want to thank all who participated in our annual Niner/Putter event. It was a great day of golf with the Lady Putters. We appreciate their putting skills on the course, especially since it is very different from their normal game. We hope this annual event continues.”
Following completion of their rounds, teams moved into Madera Crystal Ballroom for a delicious lunch and to celebrate well deserved winnings.
Flight winners included: Flight A 1st place Christi Tucker and Jan Ederle (35); Flight A 2nd place Pat Crane and Janet Wegner (37); Flight A 3rd place Kathy Coleman and Lou Moultrie (37); Flight B 1st place Sherry Gall and Marci Yenerich (37); Flight B 2nd place Rita Staszak and Kim France (39); Flight B 3rd place Althea Critchlow and Sheila Wyllie (40); Flight C 1st place Sue Gunter and Patti Baker (36); Flight C 2nd place Billie J. Harsch and Catherine Thiele (37); Flight C 3rd place Julie Dianes and Lynda Pilcher (40); Flight D 1st place Cathy Leary and Ellen Kingsbury (34); Flight D 2nd place Carol Walden and Yvonne LaBrec (40); Flight D 3rd place Diane E. Dodd and Susan Writer (41). Congratulations to all the winners and kudos to the tournament committee for all their hard work.