New Lady 9er Board of Directors officers 2017-2019: Althea Critchlow, Shirley Gray, Sherry Gall, Pat Crane, Billie Harsch, Diane Wilson, Chaille Womack, Cheri Sipe

Lady 9er 2016 winners: Patty Zatkin, Cheri Sipe, Pat Crane, Diane Hernandez
Marilyn Beim
It was another beautiful day in Quail Creek as the Lady 9er’s (QC9LGA) finished their round of golf and moved to the festively decorated Madera Crystal Ballroom to celebrate the holiday season and the transition to a new board of directors. As each member found her way to a beautifully decorated table, there at each setting was a copy of outgoing President Sharon Paxson’s golf prayer.
The meditative spirit of the prayer was immediately altered by the humor of members Diane Dodd and Mary Anderson. Santa and his company of elves have nothing over these members when it comes to enthusiasm for the holiday.
Adding to the true meaning of the holiday, incoming President Cheri Sipe said the QC9LGA donated $160 plus approximately 45 pounds of food to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona.
In addition to the donations to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, she said the final totals from the Quail Creek Rally for the Cure reached $12,496.12. This is up from last year by about $1700. In the 17 years Quail Creek has participated in the Rally, Susan G. Komen has received approximately $142,000 from Quail Creek participants.
Following a delicious catered lunch it was down to business. But first, guest Golf Pro Joel Jaress pulled the names of Susan Meeks and Althea Critchlow from the proverbial hat and presented each with a bottle of wine. Congratulations, ladies. Also congratulated were the winners of ringers, birdies and chip-ins.
Ringers: Overall gross winner – Diane Hernandez; overall net winner – Pat Crane
Birdies: Diane Hernandez and Cheri Sipe (tied with two each); Pat Newport, Eileen Howell (1 Each)
Chip-Ins: Diane Dodd (4); Pat Newport, Joella Austin, Sherry Ameling and Lynn Maier (1 each)
Flight winners included: Flight A low gross – Diane Hernandez (108), Jan Topoliski (123) and Cheri Sipe (124)
Flight A low net: Pat Crane (85), Patty Zatkin (85) and Susan Allen (87)
Flight B low gross: Jan Ederle (131), Sherry Gall (135) and Coreen Williams (146)
Flight B low net: Mary Anderson (75), Sue Gunter (83) and Lee Schmidt (87)
Flight C low gross: Diane Dodd (144), Shirley Gray (145), Bonnie Smith (147)
Flight C low net: Mary Talton (79), Cathy Thiele (83), Chille Womack (85)
Club champion: Cheri Sipe
President’s Cup went to Joyce Turner. Best Putter was Mary Talton. Most Improved golfer Diane Thorne
Following all the deserved applause for the winners, the members got down to the changing of the guard for the 2016-2017 season.
As outgoing President Sharon Paxson (2015-2016) passed the gavel to incoming President Cheri Sipe she thanked all those who made her presidency a success.
Accepting the gavel, Sipe, choked with emotion, thanked Paxson for all she had accomplished. Her efforts resulted in “the implementation of forward tees. They will be her legacy,” she said.
Sipe then introduced her incoming cabinet: Vice President Chaille Womack, Secretary Diane Wilson, Treasurer Billie Harsch, Handicap Pat Crane, Tournament Committee Althea Critchlow, Sherry Gall, Shirley Gray and Jan Topolski. Congratulations to the incoming board.
Business completed, the ladies enjoyed a gift exchange and some welcome socializing.