Members of Quail Creek’s Veterans Golf Association tour the F-16 pilot training facility at the Tucson International Airport.
Tom Haberer
The Quail Creek Veterans Golf Association (QCVGA) is a big supporter of the 162nd ANG Fighter Wing Family Readiness Program. They provide ongoing financial support to assist Tucson military families, often while the primary wage earner (mother or father) is deployed throughout the world. When necessary, the 162nd FRP assists in countless ways including helping with rent, buying food and helping with medical and transportation needs. And with more frequent deployments in the last few years, that help is essential to the entire success of our air defense system.
Recently members of the QCVGA were invited to a tour of the National Guard facility at Tucson International Airport. Many members and guests joined the caravan and no one came away disappointed. The participants learned the incredible history of the 162nd and examined the domestic and foreign versions of the noble F-16 Fighter, but the big thrill was operating the F-16 flight simulators. It was a rare opportunity to see what it’s like to go screaming across the skies looking for enemy aircraft.
Dollars raised by the QCVGA golf tournaments and other fundraising events make the QCVGA Charity Fund possible. All participant support and contributions are greatly appreciated, especially by the families who need our help. The QCVGA is grateful to be a small part of the 162nd‘s Family Readiness Program.