Left to right: Karen Schaefer, Denny Mart, Pam Martin, Cathy Bailey, Pam Ransburg, Terry Gilmore, John Bartlit, Daniel Ward, Tom Ransburg
Cathy Bailey
On May 19, several members of the Quail Creek Ukulele Club and their guests traveled to beautiful Southern New Mexico to attend the Las Cruces UkeFest 2023. The three-day event kicked off with a concert by the Smoking Jackets, whose members would serve as instructors for the workshops during the next two days.
The event was held at the Dona Ana Community College, East Mesa Campus. The facility provided large classrooms and an open area for collaboration. Saturday started with a swap meet with all kinds of ukuleles and uke-related items. Fifteen workshops followed, along with a lunch of locally catered enchiladas.
That afternoon and evening gave opportunities for our QC musicians to shine at the open mic/jam sessions. They performed three numbers, with backup from the Smoking Jackets, to the delight of audience members.
The Sunday wrap-up included a whole group workshop playing and singing sea shanties before the trek back to Green Valley.
The Ukulele Club meets each Monday at 2 p.m. in the Ocotillo Room of the Kino Center. No experience is necessary! Everyone is welcome, and if you want to strum, we will find an instrument for you to use. You can email us at [email protected] and find us on Facebook.